




      Sec. 1 - This Organization shall be known as the ORANGE COUNTY BASEBALL UMPIIRES ASSOCIATION.  This Organization shall be a Chapter Member of the NEW YORK STATE BASEBALL UMPIRES ASSOCIATION, INC.


     Sec. 2 - The object of this Organization shall be to sponsor and promote a program that will recruit and train candidates to become potential umpires; to conduct meetings and training clinics that will further the development of competent officials, to adopt and employ a standard system of officiating for all Organization umpires; to determine and apply a uniform interpretation of the Official Rules, to make available efficient service and provide certified umpires for all classifications of baseball, to promote sportsmanship and stimulate improved relations between the umpires and those whom this association serves, to enhance the conduct, the welfare, the interests and the integrity of its Members and to preserve the compensation warranted for the caliber of services rendered by this Organization.


     Sec. 3 - This Organization cannot dissolve while nine (9) members, in good standing, object to its dissolution and this Section cannot be altered, amended or rescinded.         




     Sec. 1 -The region assigned to this Chapter shall be located within the boundaries as established in the incorporation of Chapters under the NEW YORK STATE BASEBALL UMPIRES ASSOCIATION, INC. It shall include the territory of Orange County and such additional territories as may be agreed or authorized for the providing of umpires. This Chapter shall be the only organization under the NYSBUA, INC. empowered to qualify and certify umpires and to govern the umpiring standards and activities in this region wherein they do not conflict with the by-laws of NYSBUA. INC.     





     Sec. 1 - There shall be four classifications of membership, namely; Probationary, Active, Inactive and Honorary.

     Probationary Membership is granted to those applicants who pass the required testing and who otherwise show presumptive ability to meet the standards as adopted by the organization.  Probationary members may not do varsity level games.

     Active Membership is granted to those who have demonstrated after two years of probationary membership (one year for members transferred from other associations where they held the equivalent of Active Membership) competence as umpires by meeting the standards as adopted by the organization.  Probationary status may be extended in appropriate cases.

     Inactive Membership is the status granted to a Member, possessing an Active rank, who desires a leave of absence from active officiating.

     Honorary Membership may be proclaimed for a senior Active Member who has retired from Active Status.

     Sec. 2 - To maintain a Probationary or Active Membership status, a member must be in good standing, must participate in the promotional functions of this organization, and must be an active umpire. To qualify as a member-in-good standing, the member must meet his/her dues obligation, must attend compulsory meetings, must attend the required number of annual Umpire Association Meetings required by this organization and must perform in the best interests of and for the good of this Organization. 

     Sec. 3 – Inactive Membership is the status granted to an Active Member who, after having served this Organization for three (3) or more consecutive years as an Active Member, finds that he/she cannot actively officiate for an indefinite period of time. Inactive Membership is to be granted in cases where it is anticipated that the Member will be restored to Active Membership at some future date. 

A member on Inactive Status will pay half dues, is not required to attend meetings, but must complete the NFHS test for that year.  The test may be mailed to the Secretary/Treasurer by the date it is due for active members.  Member cannot: Umpire for or hold an office in this organization; Umpire, for any other organization or as an individual, ball games of the type for which services are provided by this Organization. Violation of this rule will be grounds for fines, suspension, expulsion or any combination thereof.

Any member having been granted inactive status and wishing to return to an active status, must apply in writing to the Executive Committee for reinstatement. The Executive Committee may reinstate the Member depending on the length of time inactive, the reason for the inactive status, and the capability of the member to resume active status, and reserves the right to reinstate such member at the same or at a lower rank as when he/she was at when granted inactive status.

Requests for Inactive Membership must be presented in writing to the Secretary stating the reason for this request. In addition, the letter should also acknowledge that the individual making the request cannot officiate in any league or for any team while in the inactive status without the express approval of the Executive Committee.  Members are to request Inactive Status by January 1 of the calendar year for which Inactive membership is requested.  Requests for return to Active Status must be submitted in writing by January 1 of the year of return to Active Status.    

      Sec. 4 -Honorary Membership shall be considered only when a member who has served this Organization loyally and credibly for five (5) or more consecutive years, makes the decision to retire permanently from active officiating. Honorary Membership shall be granted upon recommendation of the Executive Committee and when approved by a majority of the quorum present at a regular membership meeting. An Honorary Member shall not be required to pay dues or assessments or attend compulsory meetings, and may not act in the capacity of an active member.

     Sec. 5 - Application for membership to this Organization must be submitted in writing on the official Organization Application form.  Applicants for membership will be required to be physically fit, to be otherwise qualified and to pay a non refundable registration fee as prescribed. This registration fee shall be credited as part payment of the membership dues.

     Applicants for membership in the OCBUA must be a minimum of nineteen (19) years of age.

     Sec. 6 -The Executive Committee shall review and approve all applications, including applications received from umpires seeking to transfer membership to this Organization.  Transfer applications must be submitted in writing on the official Organization application form. Only applicants able to provide bonafide affidavits and proof of having current active status in Professional Umpiring ranks or with recognized Certified Umpire Chapters shall be considered for transfer under this Section.

     Sec. 7- Any member of another chapter of the NYSBUA who is or desires to become a member of this chapter without giving up membership in the other chapter (dual membership) shall (subject to any different or additional requirements for dual membership that may be prescribed by the NYSBUA) fulfill the duties of a member as herein prescribed, except that 1) the application for membership may be handled under the rules applicable to a transfer of membership and 2) attendance at meetings may be split between the chapters provided that at least two meetings of this chapter are attended,.





     Sec. 1 – The officers of this Organization shall be a President; a Vice-President; a Secretary and a Treasurer.  The By-Laws may provide for the combining the duties of Secretary and Treasurer into one position of Secretary/Treasurer, with one person (with a single vote on the Executive Committee or otherwise) discharging the obligations of both offices.

     Sec. 2 – The President is the chief executive officer of the organization and shall act on behalf of the organization with the powers and authority normally reserved to such office, as limited or expanded by this

Constitution or the By Laws.  The President shall conduct and preside at all regular meetings and Executive Committee meetings according to Roberts Rules of Order.  The President shall appoint the Interpreter(s) and Section Chairs and shall designate the chairperson and members of the following standing committees:  Constitution, Contract, Dinner, Hospitality, Umpire Development, and Audit.  The President may appoint a parliamentarian and may appoint a person to obtain/assign games for members from organizations other than High School.  The president shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of a chairperson and at least two other members prior to the annual meeting.  The nominating committee shall submit to the president at the annual meeting a list of nominees for all elective offices. The president shall also call for nominations from the floor.  When nominations consist of more than one person for any office, that ballot will be a closed ballot.  Election shall be by a majority of the votes cast.  If no candidate shall obtain a majority, a subsequent vote involving the top two vote getters (and ties) shall be held until a candidate shall obtain a majority.

     Sec. 3 – The Vice President shall in the absence of the President perform all presidential duties.

     Sec. 4 – The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all Organization Membership and Executive Committee Meetings and shall submit same at each succeeding meetings, their election to office, suspension or expulsions, shall notify Committee members of their appointment and assigned duties and shall conduct correspondence and keep records normally associated with his office for this Organization.  The Secretary shall give a copy of all previous minutes to the president before the next meeting.  The Secretary shall receive as compensation for each term of office dues-free membership and/or such other compensation as recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by majority of the membership attending any meeting.

     Sec. 5 – The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all moneys accepted and distributed in the name of this Organization, except fees and expenses related to assignments to other than High School games, which may be accepted and distributed by a member designated by the President under Article IV, Sec. 2 of the Constitution, in a manner directed/approved by the President. 

     The Treasurer shall deposit said money in the financial institution designated by the Executive Committee.  The Treasurer may issue checks for payment of warranted association indebtedness up to an amount specified without formal Executive Committee approval.  No check may be drawn for any amount in excess of that specified until an official bill has been submitted for review and approval for payment authorized by the Executive Committee.

     The Treasurer shall prepare and submit, to the membership in writing, a detailed line item financial statement at the Annual First Business Meeting or at such time as requested by the Executive committee or the membership.  One copy of said report will be kept on file by the Secretary.

     The Treasurer shall record all said monies, collect and keep an account of all dues, assessments and fines. He/she shall advise the President of the eligibility of any member to take part in certain proceedings during meetings. He/She shall notify all members by mail who are delinquent in their dues and if the same is not paid within one (l) month (30 days) of such notification, he/she shall report the same to the Executive Committee.

     The Treasurer shall read at every compulsory meeting, a list of those members who are subject to fines or penalties. The Treasurer shall submit his/her books, upon request, to the Auditing Committee for inspection and deliver same to his/her successor in office.

     The Treasurer shall receive as compensation for each term of office dues-free membership and/or such other compensation as recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by majority of the membership attending any meeting.

Sec. 6 – There shall be an Executive Committee which shall consist of the following:  President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, the immediate past President, the Rules Interpreter, and the Section Leaders. The Rules Interpreter and Section Leaders shall be elected in the same manner and at the same time as the officers.


     Sec. 7 -The Executive Committee shall administer and direct the affairs and activities of this Organization and shall review and rule on any problem or proposal that may be submitted by any member or Committee of this Organization. Functions of the Executive Committee shall include:

1.     Review and pass on all applications for membership;

2.     Review and determine all changes in membership status;

3.     Review and determine all complaints against any member and levy such fines or other sanctions as may be appropriate;

4.     Call special meeting if it deems necessary;

5.     Review and approve expenses for reimbursement;

6.     Act on any other matter placed under its jurisdiction by the Constitution or by laws;

7.     Act on any other matters affecting the organization as it deems appropriate where the matter is not designated to be otherwise handled by the Constitution, By Laws or rules adopted by the membership.

     The Executive Committee shall have the jurisdiction to act and render decisions on all matters not specifically covered or addressed in the Constitution and By-Laws of this Organization.





     Sec. 1 – The first regular meeting can be held any time after January 1 of each year.

     Sec. 2 – The president shall, on seven days notice, schedule this and such additional meetings as deemed necessary to meet the State Five Point Program requirements, to meet the requirements of providing umpires for high schools and other organizations, and/or to meet such other needs of this organization as the President may deem appropriate.

     Sec. 3 - The President may call a Special Meeting for the general membership or the Executive Committee provided he/she submits a written advance notice of at least seven (7) days to each member.  The President shall be compelled to call a Special Meeting when presented with a signed petition of fifty-one (51) percent of the Active Membership or a Special Executive Meeting when presented with a signed petition by three (3) or more Executive Committee Members.  The President shall call these meetings within seven (7) days after receiving such petitions and the President must submit a written advance notice of at lease seven (7) days to each Active Member.                                                                                                                                                                                                            





     Sec. 1 - The By-laws for the administration of this Organization shall be made by a majority vote of the Executive Committee and shall be ratified by a majority vote of the quorum present at a regular Membership Meeting.

     Sec. 2 - The By-laws shall not be suspended except by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the quorum present at a regular Membership Meeting.





     Sec. 1 – An amendment to this Constitution or its By-Laws may be proposed either by the Executive committee or the general membership. The proposed amendment may be introduced at any regular meeting and shall be recorded in the minutes of that meeting and shall be read for the first time at the end of the meeting in which it was proposed. The second reading of the proposed amendment shall be made at the meeting immediately following the meeting in which the amendment was proposed and first read and after which a membership vote will be taken for adoption.  A two thirds (2/3) vote of the quorum present at the regular or special meeting shall be required to carry the amendment to the Constitution and two-thirds (2/3) shall be required of a similar quorum for amending the By-Laws.





     Sec. 1 – In order to facilitate continual revision and/or additions to this Constitution or subsequent By-Laws, the Constitution Committee is authorized to update this Constitution and By-Laws every Fall to include By-Laws and Amendments passed under Article VI and/or VII of this Constitution.

     Sec. 2 – The Constitution Committee is further authorized to excerpt portions of this constitution and By-Laws and present the excerpted portions in appendixes to this Constitution.  Any appendix to this Constitution and By-Laws shall have the same effect as if it were included in the body of this Constitution and By-Laws.


 This Constitution is adopted on: March, 2005

Amended: May, 2009- Article IV, Sec. 6

Amended May, 2015- Article III, Sec. 3












     Sec. 1 – The President shall preside at all Membership and Executive Committee Meetings; shall preserve order therein; shall countersign all warrants for money; shall appoint all committees listed in the Constitutions and By-Laws; shall give the deciding vote in case of a tie except for the election of an officer and shall render assistance and counsel as may be required or requested by any member or Committee in the promotional or administrative activities of this Organization.

     Sec. 2 – The Vice-President shall assist the President in conducting all meetings.  The Vice-President shall assume the responsibility for conducting the duties of President during his/her absence or shall be installed as the President of this Association when necessary to fill an unexpired term of the President elect.

     The Vice-President shall maintain proper conduct among members and shall act as the advisor in guiding the activities and the interests of the membership.

     Sec. 3 – There shall be a Secretary/Treasurer who shall discharge the duties of Secretary and Treasurer, who shall have a single vote on the Executive Committee or otherwise.  The President shall appoint an Active Member to act in the place of the Secretary/Treasurer at any business or membership meeting where the Secretary/Treasurer is not in attendance.  In the event of a temporary inability of the Secretary/Treasurer to discharge the duties of the office, the President may appoint an Active Member to assume the office until such time as the Secretary/Treasurer is able to resume the office. 

     The Secretary/Treasurer shall receive as compensation for each term of office dues-free membership and/or such other compensation as recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by majority of the membership attending any meeting.  Said compensation shall be for the coming calendar year and each succeeding year until changed by recommendation of the Executive Committee and approval by the membership as above.  Said compensation shall not limit the right to seek  reimbursement for expenses incurred in discharge of the office.

     Sec. 4 - Any Officer who is absent from two (2) consecutive meetings and cannot submit a justifiable reason to the Executive Committee will be subject to possible removal from office. In case of such removal, the Executive Committee shall appoint a successor who shall serve the remainder of the term of office unless otherwise removed.

     Sec. 5 -  In the case of a vacancy in the offices of Vice President or Treasurer/Secretary, the Executive Committee shall appoint a successor to fill the remainder of the unexpired term.





     Sec. 1 -To qualify as a candidate for an office, the nominee must have been an Active member in good standing for four (4) or more consecutive years in this Organization. The Candidate for President shall, in addition, have served at least one full previous term as an officer or a member of the Executive Committee.

          Sec. 4 - When a member is nominated by the nominating committee or from the floor, he/she shall declare his/her acceptance of the nomination before his/her name can appear on the ballot.

     Sec. 5 – The election of officers shall be held at the last Business Meeting of the year. The election shall be conducted in accord with the procedures in Article IV, Sec. 2 of the Constitution.

     Sec. 6 - Only Active and Inactive Members in good standing at the time of the election shall be entitled to vote.





     Sec. 1 -The dues for annual membership in this Organization shall be approved by a majority vote of the membership.

            The Organization dues include the registration fee for the annual membership with the NEW YORK STATE BASEBALL UMPIRES ASSOCIATION, INC.  for all members.

     Sec. 2 -The annual Organization membership dues for the ensuing year shall be payable on or before the last Business Meeting of the year.  All dues must be made payable to OCBUA.  No other membership dues will be required of any member. Where necessary to defray the costs of obtaining assignments for members to other than High School games, an additional fee may be charged to any member voluntarily seeking such assignments.

     Sec. 3 – Any fees required for assignment to other than High School games shall be paid in advance in an amount and manner determined by the President, or designee with approval of the President.





     Sec. 1 - The scale of minimum umpire fees per official for High School games shall be as provided in the Section 9 High School Rules.

     Sec. 2 – The scale of umpire fees for other than High School games shall be as obtained/negotiated by the member(s) designated under Article IV, Sec. 2 of the Constitution, with the approval of the President.





     Sec. 1 – All umpiring assignments must be made by the High School assignor or the member(s) designated by the President.

     Sec. 2 – Officials of this Organization may umpire both baseball and softball games.  If however, a baseball umpiring assignment from the OCBUA is refused and the member accepts an umpiring assignment from any other organization on the same day, said member may be suspended until his case is heard by the Executive Committee and a decision is rendered.

     Sec. 3 – An Active Member of this Organization will be permitted to umpire ball games only with approved umpires properly assigned.  A member shall be permitted to officiate with any Active member from this or any other Certified Umpires Chapter or with active umpires in professional rank or with an applicant registered with this Organization.  Any deviation from this Section for special cases must be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee.

     Sec. 5 – No member of this Organization shall be permitted to accept an assignment which would require him/her to officiate with a non-approved umpire.

     Sec. 6 – Once a member has accepted an assignment, it becomes his/her responsibility to assure the fulfillment of said assignment.  In an emergency, when it becomes impossible for the member to carry out the assignment, the committed member must seek to be replaced as  prescribed by the assignor.





     Sec. 1 – No member shall represent this Organization beyond the privileges and provisions of the constitution and By-Laws in any affairs or administrative matters unless authorized by the Executive Committee.

     Sec. 2 – No member shall solicit games or contact coaches, managers, athletic directors, schools, league officers or directors, teams or players for personal or Organization gains unless specifically authorized by the Executive Committee or President.  Furthermore, if any member of this Organization is contacted directly by any of the aforementioned or any others for the purpose of soliciting officiating services, it shall be reported to the Executive Committee.

     Sec. 3 – No officer, committee member or Organization member shall involve or obligate this Organization in any indebtedness unless he/she is given explicit authorization by the Executive Committee or President.  Such infraction shall be considered a flagrant violation of Organization Rules and Regulations.

     Sec. 4 – No member of this Organization shall officiate and/or accept a game for less than the scale of fees established for the level of ball.

     Sec. 5 – No member of this Organization shall officiate in OCBUA territory a game for any organized league or for any individual team except through the OCBUA if to do so would deprive any other member of the opportunity for assignment through the OCBUA.

     Sec. 6 – A member is guilty of misconduct when he/she has committed any transgression against Section 1 through 5 of this Article or has committed one or more of the following infractions:


1.     Failure to fulfill an accepted assignment..

2.     Displaying discourtesy toward a fellow member either on or off the diamond in any activity concerning this Organization.

3.     Committing disrespectful or discourteous deeds which may result in harmful refection against this Organization or anyone of its Officers or members.

4.     Commenting or participating in any team affairs or player affairs while on the diamond in the capacity of the umpire.

5.     Failure to appear in time to start the game as scheduled.

6.     Failure to maintain standard appearance regarding the uniform and equipment and the neatness of both.

7.     Wagering or gambling on any game under contract to OCBUA or NEW YORK STATE BASEBALL UMPIRES ASSOCIATION, INC. or any of NYSBUA, INC. member groups, its course or its players, shall be prohibited, and shall be considered a flagrant violation.

8.     Drinking alcohol before or during the game or appearing for a game under the influence of alcohol or drugs, which shall be considered a flagrant violation.

9.     Discussing or commenting on confidential administrative matters of this Organization with nonconcerned outside personnel.

10.  Improper conduct while in uniform before and during officiating a game (such as smoking, mingling with fans, obscene language) and conduct unbecoming to an umpire while representing this Organization in off-the-diamond business affairs.                     

     Sec. 7 – Members of this Organization who are also members of any other officiating group may not wear the New York State Baseball umpiring uniform while officiating those contests, unless assigned through the OCBUA.



1.     To strive to improve knowledge through continuous study of the rules.

2.     To take the Federation exam each year and achieve the qualifying grade according to rank.

3.     To accept officiating assignments only through the designated assignor.

4.     To keep self in good physical condition so as to be able to properly officiate.  OCBUA recommends regular physicals.

5.     To be governed by the Organization’s regulations regarding uniforms and mechanics of officiating.


     Sec. 9 – DRESS CODE

             The dress code for High School ball is set by the New York State Baseball Umpires Association. 

            The dress code for summer ball (non High School) will be set by the Executive Committee, President or designee.

Anyone deviating from this code may be subject to discipline.





     Sec. 1 – A member may be censured, fined, reduced to Probationary status, suspended for a period of time and/or expelled for violation of the Constitution or By-Laws or rules of this Organization, or for conduct manifestly prejudicial to the best interest of this Organization.  Where a fine is imposed, the amount shall be based on the then established varsity game fee.

     Sec. 2 – Any member of this Organization shall have the right to bring charges, in writing, against any other member of this Organization for alleged violations of any section of this Constitution or any By-Laws or rules, with the exception of violations of Sections 9 or 10 of this Article which shall be the duty of the Secretary.

     Sec. 3 – Any member so charged shall be informed of the charges levied against him/her and the name of the member placing the charges.

     Sec. 4 – Any alleged transgression, other than those originating with the Executive Committee, will be referred to a Hearing Committee of peers composed of certified members in good standing appointed by the President.  The Committee shall meet and hold a hearing at which the member charged may appear and present any information or witnesses he/she may choose and which the Committee finds relevant.  The Committee finding will be forwarded to the member and to the president for execution.  If the member is not satisfied with the finding, said member may appeal to the Executive Committee, in writing, within ten (10) days of being sent written notification of findings.  Before any vote by the Executive Committee in this matter, the member shall be given the opportunity to appear before the Executive Committee in his/her own defense or to be represented by a member, in good standing, of this Organization.  The Executive Committee may limit its consideration to the information presented in the finding of the Hearing Committee or may receive further information as it deems appropriate.   A two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Executive Committee is required to find a member guilty of the charges brought against him/her and the Committee decision shall be final.

     Sec. 5 – Should charges be levied against any officer or Executive Committee member of this Organization, his/her case shall be referred to the Executive Committee for determination.  Said officer or Executive Committee member shall not be allowed to vote or act as a member of the Executive Committee during the hearing of the charges against him/her.

     Sec. 6 – All hearings must be conducted fairly, openly and honestly.  The Hearing Committee or Executive Committee, as the case may be, shall advise the member of the charge in advance of the hearing.  The hearing shall be limited to the charge so specified.  A record shall be made of the date and place of the hearing, those present, a summary of the information presented, and the finding of the Committee, which shall be based on the information presented at the hearing.  (If the Committee holding the hearing deems that further information is necessary it shall continue the hearing at a subsequent date and shall apprise the member of the nature of the information and give the member an appropriate opportunity to respond.)

     Sec. 7 – Failure to appear at any hearing for which member is notified in writing shall be cause for expulsion.

     Sec. 8  - A member who fails to pay his/her membership dues by the day of the last Business Meeting shall be automatically suspended.  Such delinquent member may be reinstated provided a fine, as prescribed is paid.  The fine, as well as the regular dues, must be paid before the Executive Committee will allow any consideration for reinstatement.  Failure on the part of such delinquent member to apply for reinstatement within thirty (30) days after written notification of the suspension shall cause the member to be automatically dropped from membership in this Organization, subject to review by the Executive Committee.

     Sec. 10 – All provisions of an imposed penalty must be met prior to a member being reconsidered as a member in good standing and being allowed to officiate as a representative of OCBUA.

     Sec. 11 – Any member who has been assessed a penalty and fails to meet the reinstatement conditions as prescribed in this Article will be subjected to indefinite suspension.  Such member may be removed from the Organization’s membership rolls by action of the Executive Committee and he/she may apply for reinstatement only by submitting an application for membership as a new applicant.

     Sec. 12 – If the penalty assessed to any member, for a transgression of this Constitution or By-Laws or rules of this Organization, is expulsion, such member shall have the right to have his/her circumstances heard and reviewed before an open meeting of the entire membership.  He/She can, at this meeting, represent him/herself or he/she can be represented by an Active Member in good standing of this Organization.  A majority vote of the membership present at the meeting is required to sustain the penalty imposed by the Executive Committee.  The action taken by the membership at this meeting shall be final and binding on all parties.

     Sec. 13 – Any member charged with a crime shall voluntarily suspend him/herself until the matter can be reviewed by the Executive Committee.  The Committee will determine whether or not the member should continue to be temporarily suspended.  Such suspension shall be in effect until the charges are disposed of, and at that time the Committee will either re-instate the member or hold a hearing to determine further action with regard to membership status or penalty or both.

     If an Applicant for membership in OCBUA has been convicted of a crime, then the Executive Committee has the option to deny membership upon that ground without need of a hearing.





     Sec. 1 – At least fifty-one (51%) of the Active membership shall present to constitute a quorum at any business meeting.

     Sec. 2 - At least fifty-one (51%) of the members of the Executive Committee shall be present to constitute a quorum at any executive Committee meeting.




By Laws adopted on: March, 2005